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Educational Experience

Teaching Philosophy

In my approach to geological instruction, I try to forge a sense of connection with the Earth, particularly a feeling of continuity in the context of the planet's history. To this end, I build lab exercises and classroom experiences that have a strong hands-on component, and I try to cultivate skills that allow my students to be able to see data or a sample and tell a story about it. In a world that's becoming rapidly more digital and automated, I've also tried to build innovative and interactive online exercises that give students the opportunity for trial and error, with real-time feedback.

Experience as Principal Instructor

Buffalo State University
Invertebrate Paleontology (Spring 2024) - An introduction to fossil identification and description.
Westminster College
Introduction to Geology (Spring 2014) - An overview of the Earth Sciences for introductory level undergraduates.
Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (Spring 2014) - A course on sedimentary geology for mid-level undergraduates.
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnatian Paleontology and Stratigraphy (Spring 2012) - A field stratigraphy course for introductory level undergraduates.

Experience as a Teaching Assistant

University of Wisconsin - Madison
Introduction to Oceanography (Spring 2019; Spring 2020) - An overview of the Earth Sciences for introductory level undergraduates.
Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (Fall 2018; Fall 2019) - A course on sedimentary geology for mid-level undergraduates.
University of Cincinnati
Environmental Science (Fall 2012) - A field stratigraphy course for introductory level undergraduates.
Introduction to Geology (Spring 2012) - A general introduction to the Earth Sciences.
Evolution and Earth History (Winter 2011) - A course on evolution, paleobiology, and major trends in Earth history.
Introduction to Oceanography (Fall 2010) - An overview of physical oceanography.
State University of New York at Geneseo
Geology for non-majors (Fall 2009; Spring 2010) - An introductory Earth science course for non-majors.
Environmental Science (Spring 2009) - A course introducing concepts of environmental science.
Evolution and Earth History (Fall 2008) - An introductory level course on evolution, extinction, and Earth history.

Page last updated 17 January 2025
Unless otherwise noted, all content © N. B. Sullivan