List of presentations
Oral presentations
Sullivan, N.B., White, T.S., (2025).
Sequence Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of the Mercer Formation (Pottsville Group) and Controls on the Distribution of Critical Minerals in Underclays Through the North Appalachian Basin.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs Vol. 57, No. 3. doi:10.1130/abs/2025NE-408604
Sullivan, N.B., Meyers, S.R., Levy, R.H., McKay, R.M., (2022).
Astronomically influenced millennial-scale cyclicity of the Antarctic Cryosphere during the Early Miocene.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs Vol. 54, No. 5. doi:10.1130/abs/2022AM-383483
Sullivan, N.B., Meyers, S.R., Levy, R.H., Sadler, P.M., Crampton, J.S., McKay, R.M., (2019).
Astronomical forcing of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and strategies for integrating proxy data into regional chronostratigraphic frameworks generated by constrained optimization (CONOP).
AGU - Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Zambito, J.J., Sullivan, N.B., McLaughlin, P.I., (2018).
Sea-level history of Cambrian-Ordovician boundary interval strata on the Wisconsin Arch.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 50, No. 6.
Sullivan, N.B., Hildred, G.V., Riley, D.A., Pearce, T.J. and Roach, C., (2017).
Assessing the utility of stable isotope chemostratigraphy in Jurassic and Cretaceous strata on the eastern margin of Canada: refining correlations and the history of Atlantic rifting.
Abstracts from the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Meeting - Geoconvention.
Riley, D.A., Pearce, T.J., Hildred, G.V., Roach, C., Sullivan, N.B., (2017).
Whole Rock Inorganic Elemental Data Toolkit: case studies from East Coast Canada.
Abstracts from the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists Meeting - Geoconvention
Sullivan, N.B., Montgomery, P., Ratcliffe, K.T., Mathia, E., Pierce, J.D., Willis, K.H., Umbriaco, J.T., (2017).
Investigating links between climate and nutrient cycling in the Early Permian: an integrated study of new inorganic geochemistry and stable isotope data from the Midland Basin of west Texas.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 48, No. 7.
Sullivan, N.B., Montgomery, P., Mathia, E., Ratcliffe, K., Dawson, B., Carson, A.E.B. and Chhajlani, R., (2017).
Chronostratigraphy, Correlation, and Depositional History of the Marcellus Shale in the Central Appalachian Basin: A Study of Inorganic Geochemistry, Stable Isotopes, and Magnetic Susceptibility Data From Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition.
Hutchison, M.P., Sullivan, N.B, Fraser, T.A., Hildred, G.V., (2016).
The application of δ13Ccarb stable isotope chronostratigraphy to correlate upper Palaeozoic black shales of the northwestern frontier, Yukon Territory, Canada.
AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90259 ©2016 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 19-22, 2016.
Griffiths, J.G., Hildred, G.V., Roach, C., Lees, B., Porter, S., Sullivan, N.B., Ratcliffe, K.R., (2015).
The Use of Elemental and Stable Isotope Chemostratigraphy for Regional Correlation of the Duvernay Formation, Western Canada.
GeoConvention 2015 - Geoscience New Horizons.
Sullivan, N.B., Brett, C.E., McLaughlin, P.I., Kleffner, M.A., Cramer, B.D., Thomka, J.R., (2014).
New Chronostratigraphic Data from the Telychian (Llandovery; Silurian) of the Northern Appalachian Basin and its Implications for Existing Sequence Stratigraphic Frameworks.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs.
Zambito, J., Stewart, E.K., McLaughlin, P.I., Sullivan, N.B., Hurth, M., (2014).
New Insights into the Cambrian-Ordovician Boundary Interval Sea-Level History on the Wisconsin Arch.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs.
McLaughlin, P.I., Sullivan, N.B., Emsbo, P., Brett, C.E., (2013).
Chronomap: Chronostratigraphy-Guided Geologic Mapping and Resource Assessment in the United States.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs Vol. 45, No. 7
Sullivan, N.B., Brett, C.E., and Kleffner, M.A., (2012).
Age, Taphonomy, and Paleoecology of a Pyritic-Phosphatic Lag Bed in the Llandovery (Late Telychian) of West Central New York State.
Abstracts from the International Geoscience Program (IGCP) Project 591 2nd Annual Meeting and 1st Foerste Symposium, p. 33.
Sullivan, N.B., Brett, C.E., McLaughlin, P.I., and Thomka, J.R., (2012).
Revised Sequence Stratigraphic Framework in Aeronian and Telychian Strata (Llandovery; Silurian) of the East Cincinnati Arch.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 44, No. 5, pp. 17.
Brett, C.E., McLaughlin, P.I., Thomka, J.R., and Sullivan, N.B., (2011).
Widespread, Time-Specific Facies Motifs in the Late Llandovery-Early Wenlock: A Signature of Unique Paleoceanographic Conditions?
Abstracts and Programme of the International Subcommission on Silurian Stratigraphy Meeting, pp. 5.
Over, D.J., Sullivan, N.B., Peteya, J., Minjin, C., Myrow, P., Soja, C., (2011).
Conodonts from the Tsagaanhaalga Formation (Emsian?-Eifelian) and the Tentaculite Member of the Govialtai Formation (Eifelian-Givetian), Tsakhir Well Section, Govi Altai Terrane, Southern Mongolia.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 75
Poster presentations
Sullivan, N.B., Meyers, S.R., Levy, R.H., McKay, R.M., van de Flierdt, T., Marschalek, J., Perotti, M., Zurli, L., Talarico, F.M., Harwood, D.M., De Santis, L., Florindo, F., Naish, T., Grant, G.R., Patterson, M. (2022).
The astronomical evolution of Antarctica's ice sheets
AGU Fall Meeting 2022.
McKay, R.M., Patterson, M., Grant, G.R., Turton, N., van de Flierdt, T., Jimenez, F.J., Keller, E.D., Golledge, N.R., Naish, T., Levy, R.H., Dunbar, G.B., Riesselman, C.R., Duke, G., Sullivan, N.B., Meyers, S.R., Williams, T., Escutia, C. (2022).
Eccentricity modulation of East Antarctic Ice Sheet in Wilkes Land over the past 6 million years
AGU Fall Meeting 2022.
Sullivan, N.B., Sadler, P.M., Grant, G., Meyers, S.R., Crampton, J.S., Levy, R.H., McKay, R.M., (2022).
High-resolution Earth history: A synthesis of astrochronology and constrained optimization (CONOP).
AGU Fall Meeting 2020, PP037-0010.
Sullivan, N.B., Meyers, S.R, Levy, R.H., McKay, R., Marschalek, J., van de Flierdt, T., Perotti, M., Zurli, L., Harwood, D., De Santis, L., Grant. G., (2021).
Astronomical pacing of the Antarctic Cryosphere: Terrestrial vs. Marine-based Ice Sheet Responses during the Early Miocene.
AGU Fall Meeting 2021, PP037-0010.
Sullivan, N.B., Febo, L.A., (2021).
The application of cyclostratigraphic methods to calibrate rock accumulation rates using petrophysical log data: a case study from the Eagle Ford Group.
AAPG - SEG Image ’21.
Sullivan, N.B., Meyers, S.R., Sadler, P.M., Grant, G.R., Levy, R.H., McKay, R.M., (2020).
High-resolution Earth history: A synthesis of astrochronology and constrained optimization (CONOP).
AGU Fall Meeting 2020, PP037-0010.
Sullivan, N.B., Meyers, S.R., Sadler, P.M., Crampton, J.S., Levy, R., McKay, R., (2018).
High-resolution Earth history: A synthesis of astrochronology and constrained optimization (CONOP).
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 50, No. 6.
Sullivan, N.B., Loydell, D., Montgomery, P., Molyneux, S., Zalasiewicz, J.A., Ratcliffe, K. and Griffiths, J.D., (2017).
Organic Carbon Isotopes and Silurian Chronostratigraphy in Eastern Europe.
In AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition.
Sullivan, N.B., Jablonski, D., Forbes, A., Bond, A., (2016).
Inorganic and stable isotope geochemistry of Ordovician strata in the Canning Basin: the manifestation of global bioevents in northern Gondwana.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 48, No. 7.
Thomka, J.R., Sullivan, N.B., Brett, C.E., (2016).
False crinoid column impressions in the lower Silurian Estill Shale of central Kentucky.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 48, No. 7.
Sullivan, N.B., Ratcliffe, K.R., Hildred, G.V., Roach, C., (2015).
Integration of Stable Isotope Chemostratigraphy to Characterize Paleoenvironmental Diachroneity in the Duvernary Formation (Mid-Frasnian), a Mixed Carbonate Siliciclastic Unconventional Play in the Western Canada Basin.
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention and Exhibition. Search and Discovery Article #90216.
Hutchison, M.P., Fraser, T.A., Sullivan, N.B., Hildred, G.V., (2015).
Canol Formation chronostratigraphy: δ13Corg stable isotope results from the Richardson Mountains, north Yukon.
GeoConvention 2015 – Geoscience New Horizons.
Sullivan, N.B., McLaughlin, P.I., Emsbo, P., Barrick, J.E., (2014).
Integrated Conodont Biostratigraphy and Chemostratigraphy (δ13Ccarb, 87Sr/86Sr, Major and Trace Elements) of the Waubakee Formation (Upper Silurian) in Eastern Wisconsin: A New Approach to an Unresolved Chronostratigraphic Problem.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs.
Danielson, E., Over, D.J., Sullivan, N.B., Smith, D.M., Minjin, C., Myrow, P.M., Soja, C.M., (2013).
Lower Silurian Conodonts and Trilobites from the Gobi Altai - Mandalovoo Terrane, Southern Mongolia.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs
Sullivan, N.B., (2013).
A Multi-Proxy Approach to Determining Basin Architecture and Facies Distribution: Integrating Sequence Stratigraphy, Biostratigraphy, and Chemostratigraphy.
Poster Presentation at the 2013 AAPG – SEG Student Expo in Houston Texas.
Sullivan, N.B., Brett, C.E., Thomka J.R., (2012).
Co-Occurrence of a Burrowed Firmground and a Negative Shift in Magnetic Susceptibility: Implications for Correlation and Sequence Stratigraphy.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 43, No. 5, pp. 604.
Sullivan, N.B., Over, D.J., Minjin, C., Soja, C., Myrow, P.M., (2010).
The Eifelian Givetian Stage Boundary (Middle Devonian) at Tsakhir, Govi Altai Region, Southern Mongolia.
Poster Presentation at the 23rd Keck Geology Consortium Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Sullivan, N.B., Day, J.E., (2008).
Very Late Frasnian (Upper Devonian) Brachiopod Fauna of the Theodossia scopulorum Zone in the Paleoequatorial Mackenzie Shelf (Northwest Territories-Canada) – Western Laurussia.
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 475
Page last updated 5 February 2025
Unless otherwise noted, all content © N. B. Sullivan